
Staras Bodysuit Mint

A bodysuit that guarantees to be eye-catching with its stony texture. the body-hugging and feminine lines are emphasized by the praiseworthy women's formula.

The staras top can be combined stylishly as a team or we can use it separately on jeans on a daily basis.

A bodysuit that guarantees to be eye-catching with its stony texture. the body-hugging and feminine lines are emphasized by the praiseworthy women's formula.Both color of this bodysuit is stunning and will take you all the way through the year.
The staras top can be combined stylishly as a team or we can use it separately on jeans on a daily basis."

Inspired by the colorful world of Beverly Hils, Alia Studio SS23 transforms its bold colors into a perfect body form with its "Palette Fleur" collection. Combining stone jersey and glittery fabrics with camel hair and sequins, she winks at the Gatsby of the Twenties with a modern twist. This collection, which blends comfort with magnificence as well as being fun and dynamic, bears witness to the radiance of day and night.

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